Written by Doug Addison - Wednesday, 15 March 2006 | |
Used on this blog with permission by Doug Addison. | |
Have you ever soared like a bird in your dreams? Flying dreams are very common and can tell us a lot about ourselves and the condition of our spiritual life. A dream in which you can fly indicates that you are a person who is very creative and have the ability to advance in spiritual understanding and experiences. Flying dreams, though symbolic, encourage us to rise above real life situations. We can gain new confidence and even reduce stress as God allows us to conquer our weaknesses. Though not all dreams are given to us by God, a good number of flying dreams are. We can derive our understanding of the elements found in dreams by studying the symbols that are already interpreted in the Bible. There are over 200 references to dreams and visions in the Bible and Jesus communicated through the use of a concealed symbolic language called parables. By using parabolic thinking we can safely interpret flying as spiritual advancement. To understand a flying dream in more detail we must look at the context and the role that flying plays in the dream. For instance, if you are flying out of control the context is negative and indicates the need for greater spiritual disciplines in your life. But if you are flying with great ease and have the ability to control the manner in which you are flying then the dream is showing you that you are advancing in your spiritual growth. Different types of flying dreams - Trying to take off but failing can indicate that there is something that you are destined to do but you are experiencing setbacks. It is possible that you are hindering your own advancement and the dream is letting you know so that you can make the necessary changes. - Low/High altitude flight can show you the level of spiritual maturity you are achieving. If you consistently have low altitude flying dreams then you will want to examine your life to find ways to grow spiritually. Flying very high reveals that you are advancing spiritually and that your creativity is increasing. - Flying over a known city or region is usually an indication that you are to pray and intercede for that area. It can also show you that you may have a connection to that area as well. - Flying above flames tells you that you are rising above a difficult situation and you will not be harmed. - Losing altitude is a sign that you are regressing and that immediate attention is needed. - Flight into outer space is a great dream! This is telling you that you are moving or are about to move into high-level spiritual experiences with God. - Crashing or out of control is obvious that your spiritual life needs attention. It may be a warning to bring balance back into your life to avoid a spiritual disaster. - Floating or levitating is similar to flying in that you are rising above situations in your life. - Flying into or towards bright light shows that you are being drawn closer to God. If the light is blinding then it may indicate that God wants to blind you to your own ways to reveal His love and destiny for you. - Flapping your arms to fly means that you are using your own efforts instead of God’s grace and power in your life. - Flying in a jet or airplane usually represents a church, ministry, company, or organization with which you are involved. The context can be determined by who is in the plane with you. Also note how the plane is acting. If it is taking off or landing it talks of increase or decrease. If it is crashing it is a symbolic warning of potential loss. If it is going through turbulence then you will probably be experiencing rough times. A good example of a flying dream: In my dream I was flying very high in the sky and I could see huge areas of land and water. I remember thinking; I wonder if I can dive in the water? So I took a dive in the water and went very deep and fast and I came back out and was still flying. I thought, I would like to try flying through the wall, and I did and it was painless. I flew through a house and was able to land and walk and then begin flying again. Whatever I thought, I was able to do. Interpretation: The dreamer is advancing in their spiritual life and God is taking them into deeper things of the spirit. The dream indicates that “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Phil. 4:13 NIV So the next time you fly in a dream take a closer look at what God may be saying to you. Learn to examine your dreams breaking them down to their simplest form and you may very well uncover deeper insight into your destiny. Copyright 2006 Doug Addison
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