Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Where Do Our Dreams Come From?
Not all dreams come from a Divine source but all dream interpretations belong to our Divine Creator.
"We both had dreams," they answered, "but there is no one to interpret them."
Then Joseph said to them, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams."
Genesis 40:8.
We do have dreams from our Creator and they are usually with a lot of color.
We also have dreams from our soul that could come from our own soulish desires often putting ourselves first instead of others.
We can also have dreams from a dark spiritual source and these are often in black and white, taking place at nighttime or sometimes with muted colors.
We can also have dreams that are brought on by chemicals in our bodies like alcohol, medication or illegal drug use.
If you are a woman who is pregnant you may even have dreams from your unborn child or a confusing tangle of your dreams intertwined with your unborn child's dreams.
If we have a dream from a dark spiritual force it could be this enemy is trying to scare us from doing something and often the Divine Spiritual thing to do is to do the very thing the enemy is trying to scare us from doing. In some cases our Creator allows these dreams from the enemy so we can get a glimpse of the enemy's plans and do the opposite.
We can also have warning dreams in which our Creator is trying to warn us about something we may be doing or allowing ourselves to do that is not spiritually sound or good for us. We may be receiving a Divine Spiritual dream or vision warning us about a soulish issue we are being overcome with and it could be hindering us from moving forward in our full destiny spiritually. Sometimes these dreams may be scary or borderline nightmares. These should not be dismissed because they seemed dark because sometimes they are allowed by our Creator to teach us or warn us about something.
It is good to not believe every spirit but to test the spirits. That is great sound advice. We must guard our own hearts with good and honorable things. We must align ourselves spiritually with the Divine Spiritual realm and the power of The Spirit of Truth.
The key to all dream interpretations is through the power of The Spirit of Truth. You can not rely on a list or system of elements because The Creator does not always follow a pattern we can put our finger on and often shows us things in new and deeper ways that we may lack the understanding for. Only through Divine Spiritual requests and a close relationship with The Creator and The Spirit of Truth in conjunction with great character within ourselves will we be able to hear our Creator for the correct Divine interpretation.
Blessings to each and everyone of you and may you find the true Divine meaning of your dreams and visions as you draw closer to The Spirit of Truth.
Bob Holzner
Dreams and Visions Information Site
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dream: A Tiger in My House!
Hello all,
I thought I'd share a dream with you I had this morning to see if you may have any comments about it. It was a bit of a nightmare at the end. :-(
A Tiger in my House!
I'm in my family home I lived in with my mother (until she passed two years ago) standing in the living room looking into the dining room where there were animals.
There was a tiger walking around and a beaver in a cage.
There was no barrier between the two rooms; the animals did not seem to notice me.
I woke up because I was making the loud noise in real life too that I was making in the dream.
I don't remember any color but it didn't seem a black and white dream. It seemed dimly lit and colors were muted.
Later when typing my dream in my computer I got a sense the tiger might have jumped over me as it got through the door but this was not in my notes.
Interesting elements to consider:
My old family home.
I was standing in living room.
Tiger roaming free in dining room.
Beaver in a cage in dining room.
Animals did not seem to notice me.
No barrier between dining room and living room.
My sister, Nancy, says, "You even have a beaver."
Sister (Nancy) is in the dream but not seen.
My sister and mother (Alice) go upstairs (both not seen).
Dimly lit rooms with muted color.
I notice the door from the dining room to the kitchen is open and I think in the dream that the tiger can get out that way then the tiger does go out that door.
Tiger goes through kitchen and pantry to try and get out and does not just walk from dining room to living room.
I can't keep door closed.
I use my voice to make noises to scare the tiger. It only works briefly.
I get scared and call out to my mom as the tiger gets through the door.
What do you all think? :-\
Bob Holzner
Dancing Spirit Media
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dream – Nov 18, 2008
A young girl was running to someone with 8 stones joined by a string in her hands.
Each stone was glowing with a different color. The color was a luminous center about a forth the size of the stone. The girl was excited like one or more of the stones was about to give birth to something wonderful.
Arriving at the counselor, He took the stones and examined them carefully.
The scene abruptly changes. She now sees a man with something like a stun gun in his hand. He confronts the 1st person who comes to Him. What do you want? The young man coming to Him tells Him and zap he receives a great reward. Another comes to Him and the 2nd young man is destroyed when He makes his request. The girl looks on in astonishment. A 3rd person comes to Him with a new request and zap they are rewarded.
The girl asks the counselor about the events and the 8 glowing stones. He replies “chose wisely”. Each stone can be destruction or reward. Chose wisely, each stone is for your crown.
The girl replied to the counselor, I am not wise Lord – my choices always lead to destruction – you choose for me, please!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Correct Dream Interpretation Method
I totally believe our Creator speaks to us and gives us messages in our dreams. These messages are usually in symbols (symbolism) and need to be unraveled.
This takes training and learning. We need to understand the language of dreams and how they are interwoven with symbolism. This symbolism is what must be studied. But it is listening and being led by the Spirit of Truth that is the key to dream interpretations. Many are gifted in this area but those gifts must be developed and trained.
There are numerous methods of dream interpretation. I ascribe to the ancient Hebraic dream interpretation method. This method has been around since ancient times and is the one way that you can receive the correct interpretation of a dream that comes to you from the Creator. The Jungian or Freudian methods will give you false interpretations that do not line up with the correct Hebraic dream interpretation method.
One way to help figure out if your dream is about others or about yourself is to key on what and where you are in the dream. If you are an active participant in the dream and are in much of the dream more than likely the dream is about you even though there may be others in the dream with you. Perhaps you are helping these other people. This could mean the dream is about you and your ability to help others or that you will move into an area where you will have the opportunity to help others. It may not even be about the other person in your dream at all.
When the dream generally is about another person you will most likely not be active in the dream. You will more than likely watch the scene play out like a movie. Sometimes you will be watching the scene play out from slightly above the action of the dream. When we have dreams like this they are often dreams in which we are being shown the dream so we can ask the Creator for divine help for the person we dreamed about. Usually in this kind of dream we are given the dream to ask for divine guidance, strength and help for the person and not actually tell them the dream.
There is a lot to learn to correctly interpret a dream and give the dreamer the correct interpretation. This takes training as well as being open to the Spirit of Truth’s guidance.
The Institute for Spiritual Development offers classes on dream interpretation. They also offer an apprenticeship program online.
With all great gifts or special abilities comes great responsibility and accountability. It is very important that we learn how to properly use our ability and/or gifts. For any wrong interpretation we give we will be held accountable for it. I encourage you to seek to properly train your gifts and/or abilities so that you can walk into your full destiny and correctly learn how to interpret dreams. It is also important to get dreams interpreted from the right source.
I hope I was able to help you a bit here and steer you in the right direction.
Keep looking up and keep dreaming.
Bob Holzner
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Dreams: Children & the Night Season
Hello all,
Here is a teaching CD by Recie Saunders.
Drawing on personal family experiences and the many experiences shared by parents throughout his travels, Recie has developed a novel teaching titled, “Children’s Dreams and the Night Season,” designed to help parents understand and nurture their children’s dreams.
Click on the following link to go to website for more information or to order CD.
Children and the Night Season
Monday, August 4, 2008
T-Shirt Ideas for Dreams and Visions Information Site Blog ____________________________________
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Underground tunnel to the Golden Gate Bridge
In prayer --
It was as if my spirit were moving underground with great speed... as if I were a lightning-speed gofer or mole; and a tunnel opened in front of me -- no digging -- because something invisible was opening the way before me. I wondered if I could go up above ground. "Can I go up?" I asked. I went upward, and once above ground, there before me was the Golden Gate bridge.
I pondered that for a moment.
God secretly works and moves in the hearts of people. Then suddenly, it all comes to the surface and a bridge is in plain sight. So, don't be discouraged if you're not "seeing" results. God is still moving.
The bridge above ground demonstrates the open acceptance of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ bridges the gap between humankind and peaceful oneness with God.
Every day, people are coming to Christ one by one. And our hearts yearn for the multitudes to come to Christ -- may whole territories formerly known as hostile strongholds -- may these become bridges instead -- and strongholds for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I wondered what God is planning for San Francisco!
God, we thank you and bless you for your work and your word; for your gospel and for your life. Holy Spirit, come and draw each heart and the multitudes to the Father through Jesus Christ. We praise your divine presence of mercy and grace for Your Name's sake, Lord.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Transform Nightmares into Your Prophetic Destiny
It seems that everywhere you go people are talking about dreams. Oftentimes, strange dreams are thought to be the result of having too much to eat before bed. I have helped interpret thousands of dreams and found that most people are surprised that many of their dreams actually have meaning.
Although not all dreams are from God, He often speaks to us through dreams. Accurate dream interpretation involves more than using a list of standard symbols. The first place to start is with prayer. Ask God to tell you what the dream means. Look at the dream?s big picture; take note of the context, and whether the symbols are positive or negative. This process is similar to studying parables in the Bible.What about Nightmares? The most common questions I get about dreams are, ?What about nightmares?? ?Are all bad dreams from Satan?? and ?What can I do to get rid of night terrors??
Not all nightmares are necessarily bad or from Satan. It may be that God is allowing a terrifying dream to point out issues that need our attention. King Nebuchadnezzar?s dream in Daniel 4 is a good example. The King told Daniel that the dream made him afraid. Yet, the interpretation of the dream revealed that it was a dream from God warning the King to change his ways or he would lose his Kingdom for a period of time.
At first glance, nightmares appear overwhelmingly negative because of the feeling of fear. However, when you look closer at how the dream flows you may realize that the dream is calling you to do something new. Change is usually scary but not necessarily negative.
To help you understand this concept, I have listed a few types of unsettling dreams that may or may not be nightmares.
Dark dreams: God is often described in the Bible in terms of brilliant color and light. Conversely, dark dreams are marked by the absence of color, a dark overall tone, or evil presence. The important thing to remember is that anything that comes from Satan is a lie. The Bible tells us that it is God?s will that is to be done in our lives, not Satan?s. So when a nightmare reveals Satan?s will, you can simply pray that the opposite happens.
Spiritual warfare dreams: Nightmares that involve battling and fighting are called spiritual warfare dreams. Because dreams reside in the spiritual realm, you can impact the spiritual world and wake up to an entirely different situation in the natural world because you won the battle in your dream. An illustration of this is the dream that Pilate?s wife had in Matthew 27:19. She ?suffered in a dream? and awoke with the revelation that Jesus was innocent. This compelled her to plead with her husband to let the Jewish leaders make the decision about Jesus? death.
Fear dreams: Fear dreams are tricky to detect. They can sometimes appear to be dreams from God because they often have full color but terrible things happen in them. An example is a mother who has a reoccurring dream that her son dies in a car crash after getting his driver?s license. Of course she should ask God if it is literal, and pray to that effect. Typically though, these dreams symbolize fears that are hindering our ability to trust God. If fear is not dealt with it can grow into unbelief, and unbelief is so destructive that Jesus was not able to perform many miracles when it was present (Matthew 13:58).
Muted color dreams: A dream that is not full color but is not really dark and evil is either a muted dream or dull color dream. It is good to pay attention to these dreams because at times they can reveal the enemy?s plans against us. I once had a muted color dream in which someone next to me pointed to two people gossiping at a table next to us. The dream was telling me that there was a plan of the enemy to provoke people to talk about me behind my back. Shortly after I had the dream I found out that this was indeed happening, but the dream had alerted me, so I had already been praying about the situation.
Children?s nightmares: Children often have reoccurring nightmares and may see demons in their rooms at night. This is a major plan of darkness to cause children to grow up fearing supernatural experiences. Satan wants our children to disregard and fear anything involving the spirit and the supernatural. This is because God is spirit (John 4:24) and is the creator and giver of good supernatural gifts and experiences. (James 1:17) If Satan succeeds in getting children to fear the supernatural realm, then there is a good chance that they will grow up never experiencing the level of destiny that God intends for them. I believe this is why many adults today are not able to hear God and experience all that He offers.
The best way to handle this with our children is to talk openly about it and pray with them. Have them pray and invite Jesus into their dreams. Let them know that they have the right to tell the bad things in dreams to go away by the power of Jesus? name. When children realize they can change the outcome of a bad dream, they will learn spiritual warfare and victory instead of fear and withdrawal.
A friend of mine explained this principle to his seven-year-old son who was having nightmares of being attacked by demons. A short time later his son had another nightmare but this time he spoke to the demons to go away in Jesus? name. They fled and the nightmares stopped.
Running or being chased dreams: Other nightmarish dreams may involve running from something or someone or being chased. Usually dreams like this are reoccurring because they point to issues in our lives that need our attention. Remember that to accurately interpret any dream it requires looking at both the context and full picture. For instance, being chased in a dream can mean that you have a destiny to do something that?s going to follow you until you recognize it and begin pursuing it. On the other hand, it can also mean that there is something that wants to prevent you from reaching your destiny in God.??
Transforming your dream life: Have you ever had a dream in which something evil is present and you are trying to say, ?In the name of Jesus?, but the words just won?t come out? This indicates that there is something that is trying to stop you from taking authority in your life. When you are dreaming you have the same amount of spiritual authority as when you are awake. Once you realize this it may take some time and practice to begin to change nightmares. You will know you are getting closer when, in the dream, you realize that you are dreaming. When this happens you then can begin to make choices that thwart the plans of Satan and invoke God?s destiny for your life.
Bio: Doug Addison is the founder of InLight Connection in Moravian Falls, NC and is the author of the book Prophecy, Dreams, and Evangelism. Doug teaches courses on hearing God, dreams and visions, and understanding the supernatural. Doug also trains and leads dream teams and prophetic & power evangelism outreaches in the US and around the world.
Copyright 2006 Doug Addison
For more information about the ministry of Doug Addison visit This article may be used and shared with others for instructional purposes. If you do use it please give credit to the author. Written permission must be obtained to reprint this article.
Releasing the Creative Power of Your Dreams
Written by Doug Addison - Tuesday, 23 November 2004 | |
Used on this Blog with permission by Doug Addison Have you ever had a dream that stuck in your mind but you still don’t know what it means? I’m sure you have. Everybody dreams, although not everyone remembers their dreams. We all have an unlimited resource waiting to be tapped with each night’s story. Have you ever had a dream that stuck in your mind but you still don’t know what it means? I’m sure you have. Everybody dreams, although not everyone remembers their dreams. We all have an unlimited resource waiting to be tapped with each night’s story. The average person spends over one-third of their life sleeping. We can utilize this time to gain insight into problems, discover solutions, innovations, inventions, receive healing, and even have a personal therapy session while we sleep. Most people agree that God can speak to us through our dreams but the art of understanding these strange pictures in the night seems to have been lost. The Bible tells us in Acts 2:17 that in the last days God will pour His Spirit out in a greater measure and people will dream. Job 33:14-16 NKJV - For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. Throughout the Bible God has used dreams to guide His people. Over one-third of the Bible relates to dreams and visions. God spoke to Joseph through dreams in Matthew 2 which resulted in saving the baby Jesus’ life. The Apostles Paul and Peter were both guided by dreams on a regular basis. In more modern cases, Gregory Thaumaturgas of the third century Nicene Council received inspiration for his first Trinitarian Creed through a dream. Did you know that Elias Howe got his breakthrough concept for his invention of the sewing machine from a dream? Scientist Niels Bohr developed the model of the atom based on a dream of sitting on the sun with all the planets hissing around on tiny cords. Not all dreams are from God but you would be surprised at how many are. Could God be speaking to you through your dreams? Have you ever dreamed that snakes were around you? This is showing you that there may be someone telling lies or giving false accusations. Have you ever dreamed that you were flying? This is an indication that you have a higher spiritual destiny or calling on your life. If you can control the way you fly, then it shows you that you are maturing in your spiritual abilities. Many Christians have assumed that dream interpretation is a New Age practice or is psychoanalytical. They may attribute their dreams to something they ate or from having a wild imagination. But in reality, many dreams have divine meaning and can give us insight into our daily waking lives. It is startling to realize that if you take the popular dream interpretative methods such as the Freudian or Jungian and apply them to a dream in the Bible you will not get the same interpretation as God did. This tells us that these methods will not give us an accurate interpretation. So, how can we begin to understand the meaning of our dreams? First, the key to understand how God speaks metaphorically is to study the dreams, visions, symbolism, and parables in the Bible. It is here that God reveals to us His hidden language of symbolism. For instance, we know that God gave Daniel the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 4:22 and the tree represented the king. Trees will often represent leaders in our lives, depending on the context. First, you must write down your dreams upon waking. Often we think that we will remember it, but sometimes a dream appears in our mind as disappearing ink. If we don’t write it down, it seems to vanish from our memory. Keep track of the images that come to you in your dreams. Second, ask God to give you the meaning of the dream. Quiet yourself and listen for God’s whispers. Often the first impression we get can be a major clue as to what a dream means. It is important to spend quiet time in prayer and meditation each day to hear God’s voice. Third, break the dream down to its simplest form. Take note of any reoccurring themes or symbols. Ask yourself what do these dream elements symbolize? Dreams are often like an editorial cartoon, a picture with a deeper meaning. If we value this precious gift by recording our dreams and seeking out their meaning we will sharpen our spiritual awareness. As we begin to understand God’s metaphoric dream language we can trust our dreams to guide our decisions and illuminate our everyday life. |
Hearing God
Written by Doug Addison - Monday, 18 October 2004 | |
Used on this Blog with permission of Doug Addison | |
Learning to hear God is a lifelong process, but getting started is really quite simple. Without realizing it we can limit the ways that God can speak to us. Learning to hear God is a lifelong process, but getting started is really quite simple. Without realizing it we can limit the ways that God can speak to us. Most Christians can hear God speaking through the Bible, or through prayer. You may hear people say that they felt led or prompted by God to do something. These are the most common ways that people hear God. In the Bible, God communicated with people in a variety of creative ways. There is no limit in what He can do and how He can speak. Many Christians are aware of at least a few of the ways God spoke to people in the Bible. God spoke to Joseph and Daniel through dreams. Others were sent messages by prophets, angels, and even handwriting on a wall. In the New Testament, there are an assortment of spiritual gifts described that enable a Christian to hear and interact with God and other people. Some popular references are 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and Romans 12. When God speaks or reveals something to a Christian, it is called a revelatory gift. Just to be clear, let me give a brief outline some of main revelatory gifts.
There are many misconceptions about the purpose and use of these gifts in the church. In 1 Corinthians 14:3 we see that “…everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement, and comfort.” Notice this verse speaks about building people up, not pronouncing judgment or correction. We would do well to stay within these parameters when hearing God for other people. I believe that we must practice hearing God. When I first heard the idea of practicing I wondered if we were actually okay to do, or if it would be like trying to predict the future or something. But the fact is that practice is necessary to grow and mature in our spiritual lives. Here are some of the highlights of how to remove roadblocks and hear God for yourself and others.
Learning to hear God in everyday life for ourselves and for others is one of the most exciting aspects of being a Christian. By practicing listening, we become more receptive to the Holy Spirit and more in tune with what God is saying. Keep in mind that often God will tell you something about someone or their situation and it’s just so you can pray for them. At other times, it’s to bring lasting change and draw them closer to a relationship with Him. There are number of ways we can use the revelatory gifts to reach people with the love of God. I do a workshop on how to get “Encouraging Words” for people and share them in everyday language. Encouraging Words are really words of knowledge or prophecy in non-religious terms. We find that most people really are open to hearing from God in this way, and that most Christians are surprised at how effective and uncomplicated it is to get encouraging words to share with others. Learning to listen for His voice is a good way to start.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Neat Idea!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Dream Interpretation: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Kingdom
Written by Doug Addison - Saturday, 01 April 2006 | |
Used on this blog with permission by Doug Addison. | |
Is dream interpretation a New Age practice? Is it possible for Christians to tap into these stories of the night and receive deeper insight into their waking lives? Many people believe that dream interpretation belongs to the realm of the psychics and psychoanalysts. The Bible, however, reveals to us that dreams are one of the ways that God speaks to us (Job 33:15 & Number 12:6). The key to understanding a dream God’s way is that we must use a biblical basis for symbolism and the Holy Spirit as our source of revelation. Genesis 40:8 clearly states that the interpretation of a dream comes from God. There were two people in the Bible who actually interpreted dreams - Joseph and Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh both had dreams, and no one could interpret them except Joseph and Daniel who realized that the true interpretation came only from the Spirit of God. In both instances the popular dream interpretive methods of that day could not correctly interpret a dream from God (Genesis 41:8 & Daniel 2). We have found that this is still the case today.Most dream interpretation methods and the explanatory books offered today use a Freudian or Jungian approach. These methods are not biblical and according to them, a dream does not come from the Spirit of God, but rather from our own soul or psyche. Therefore, if you try to apply these methods to a dream already interpreted in the Bible, you will not interpret it in the way God intended. I do not recommend using dream symbol books that derive their meanings from these methods. Jesus often taught people by using parables, which are stories with a deeper spiritual meaning. He admonished his disciples that they must be able to interpret parables and understand this type of symbolic thinking in order to uncover the mysteries of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:10-15). Dreams are symbolic and are basically night parables. The first place to look to understand the symbols found in our dreams is the Bible. For instance, depending upon the context in the dream, a tree can represent a leader (Daniel 4:22) and a snake can mean lies and deception (Genesis 3). But what do we do when we come across a symbol in a dream that is not defined in the Bible? We must then learn to think metaphorically. Jesus gives us some insight into how to understand things symbolically in Matthew 16:5-7: When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot to take bread. “Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. They discussed this among themselves and said, “It is because we didn’t bring any bread.” Jesus was attempting to help the disciples understand things on a deeper level, but they were thinking literally and not symbolically. “How is it you don’t understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Most people miss the fact that Jesus was giving us a major clue to understand parables and even the symbolism found in dreams. Yeast causes things to “rise,” so the hidden meaning here is that the teaching of the Pharisees causes pride and hypocrisy (Luke 12:1). Applying this type of metaphoric thinking to symbols that are not clearly defined in the Bible can help us unlock God’s hidden messages in our dreams. A car can represent our life or career. A jet plane can represent a church or a ministry. Being late can symbolize a warning not to miss something important. Taking a test can give us a clue that we are being tested. After interpreting thousands of dreams for people, I have noticed that there are a few common dream themes that I hear on a regular basis. Some of the common dreams are flying, teeth falling out, falling, going to the bathroom, to name a few. I began to recognize that the meanings of these dreams show where many people are today spiritually. For instance, flying indicates a high destiny in God; teeth coming loose or falling out may mean there is a need for wisdom or advice; falling may indicate feeling out of control of a situation; going to the bathroom is the need for spiritual cleansing or flushing (forgiveness). As we understand the meaning of dreams, we can help other people find their destiny in God. Although not all dreams are from God, people everywhere are having dreams, and many of the dreams which people share with us have been divinely given. Acts 2:17-18 reveals that prophecy, dreams, and visions will become a strategic part of God’s strategy for reaching people in the last days. I have been leading prophetic and dream interpretation outreach events for several years. We are finding that people everywhere are very interested in knowing what their dreams mean. As they share their dreams, their walls of resistance come down and they become very open to talking more about God. Since people today consider themselves spiritual, being able to interpret their dreams accurately through the Spirit of God is proving to be an evangelistic goldmine. Dreams are one of the tools that God is releasing to us today that allows us to become more culturally relevant. Bio: Doug Addison is the founder of InLight Connection in Los Angeles, CA and the author of the book Prophecy, Dreams, and Visions: Revealing God’s Love through Divine Encounters. Doug travels worldwide teaching on spiritual gifts and training and leading dream teams and prophetic/power evangelism outreaches. |
Understanding Flying Dreams
Written by Doug Addison - Wednesday, 15 March 2006 | |
Used on this blog with permission by Doug Addison. | |
Have you ever soared like a bird in your dreams? Flying dreams are very common and can tell us a lot about ourselves and the condition of our spiritual life. A dream in which you can fly indicates that you are a person who is very creative and have the ability to advance in spiritual understanding and experiences. Flying dreams, though symbolic, encourage us to rise above real life situations. We can gain new confidence and even reduce stress as God allows us to conquer our weaknesses. Though not all dreams are given to us by God, a good number of flying dreams are. We can derive our understanding of the elements found in dreams by studying the symbols that are already interpreted in the Bible. There are over 200 references to dreams and visions in the Bible and Jesus communicated through the use of a concealed symbolic language called parables. By using parabolic thinking we can safely interpret flying as spiritual advancement. To understand a flying dream in more detail we must look at the context and the role that flying plays in the dream. For instance, if you are flying out of control the context is negative and indicates the need for greater spiritual disciplines in your life. But if you are flying with great ease and have the ability to control the manner in which you are flying then the dream is showing you that you are advancing in your spiritual growth. Different types of flying dreams - Trying to take off but failing can indicate that there is something that you are destined to do but you are experiencing setbacks. It is possible that you are hindering your own advancement and the dream is letting you know so that you can make the necessary changes. - Low/High altitude flight can show you the level of spiritual maturity you are achieving. If you consistently have low altitude flying dreams then you will want to examine your life to find ways to grow spiritually. Flying very high reveals that you are advancing spiritually and that your creativity is increasing. - Flying over a known city or region is usually an indication that you are to pray and intercede for that area. It can also show you that you may have a connection to that area as well. - Flying above flames tells you that you are rising above a difficult situation and you will not be harmed. - Losing altitude is a sign that you are regressing and that immediate attention is needed. - Flight into outer space is a great dream! This is telling you that you are moving or are about to move into high-level spiritual experiences with God. - Crashing or out of control is obvious that your spiritual life needs attention. It may be a warning to bring balance back into your life to avoid a spiritual disaster. - Floating or levitating is similar to flying in that you are rising above situations in your life. - Flying into or towards bright light shows that you are being drawn closer to God. If the light is blinding then it may indicate that God wants to blind you to your own ways to reveal His love and destiny for you. - Flapping your arms to fly means that you are using your own efforts instead of God’s grace and power in your life. - Flying in a jet or airplane usually represents a church, ministry, company, or organization with which you are involved. The context can be determined by who is in the plane with you. Also note how the plane is acting. If it is taking off or landing it talks of increase or decrease. If it is crashing it is a symbolic warning of potential loss. If it is going through turbulence then you will probably be experiencing rough times. A good example of a flying dream: In my dream I was flying very high in the sky and I could see huge areas of land and water. I remember thinking; I wonder if I can dive in the water? So I took a dive in the water and went very deep and fast and I came back out and was still flying. I thought, I would like to try flying through the wall, and I did and it was painless. I flew through a house and was able to land and walk and then begin flying again. Whatever I thought, I was able to do. Interpretation: The dreamer is advancing in their spiritual life and God is taking them into deeper things of the spirit. The dream indicates that “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Phil. 4:13 NIV So the next time you fly in a dream take a closer look at what God may be saying to you. Learn to examine your dreams breaking them down to their simplest form and you may very well uncover deeper insight into your destiny. Copyright 2006 Doug Addison
Would Jesus Interpret Dreams?
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Written by Doug Addison - Saturday, 25 December 2004 | |
Used on this blog with permission by Doug Addison. | |
I often get asked by Christians if interpreting dreams is okay to do? Many people believe that dream interpretation is a New Age practice. However, God says in the bible that dreams are one of the ways that He speaks to us. I often get asked by Christians if interpreting dreams is okay to do? Many people believe that dream interpretation is a New Age practice. However, God says in the bible that dreams are one of the ways that He speaks to us (Job 33:15 & Num 12:6). In order to understand a dream God’s, way we must use a biblical basis for symbolism and the Holy Spirit as our source of revelation. |