Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In the Meantime...

As we wait for God to move with news of who will be our daughter, life goes on. Our normally busy household has been extra busy lately. Drama Queen and The Artist just finished successful runs as Juror 7 (12 Angry Men) and Templeton the Rat (Charlotte's Web). I hope to get pictures from both shows eventually and post them.

And before the mic tape has entirely faded both kids are moving on to new productions. Drama Queen is rehearsing a one-act play called 10,000 Cigarettes. The Artist and Number 1 Son both auditioned for School House Rock Live. Both boys got called back for interesting roles, so we'll see what parts they get when the cast list is posted on Friday. Zed is also taking theatre classes, and may have the theatre bug also. Time will tell.

Life is full, and good.

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