Do you have nightmares?
Looking for answers?
For information on nightmares
please see
Doug Addison's article below called -
Transform Nightmares into Your Prophetic Destiny
Bob Holzner
This is a Dreams and Visions Information Site. This site will provide links, articles, comments as well as the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback concerning Dreams and Visions. Links are included to websites where you can get your Dreams or Visions interpreted or to where you can receive training in Dream Interpretation. No Dreams or Visions will be interpreted at this site. Thank you for viewing this site. Dream on. Bob Holzner - Dancing Spirit Media
By Doug Addison (used with permission)
Maybe you have heard me say, “The best dream you can ever have is a dream you know you had but can’t remember the details of!”
Job 33:14–17 NKJV “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed, and conceal pride from man.”
God will often give us revelation and direction for our life through a dream and seal it away from our memory. Later you may walk into a situation and have a feeling you have been there before. Some people call this déjà vu. I believe that it was God giving us direction in a dream that we cannot remember and when we are living it out later we get that strange feeling that we have experienced this before.
God speaks to us all the time, sometimes through dreams. Though not all dreams are from God, we can receive instructions and guidance through dreams that is essential for our purpose and our destiny. Had He spoken to us more clearly or directly then we would have a higher responsibility for fulfilling what He wants us to do. By sealing it in a dream it can bypass our natural mind and even keep us from being prideful and from doing things in our own strength instead of His.
Another example of how God can use a dream is when you actually remember the dream but He seals away the meaning of it. We can have a dream from God that seems very significant but we do not understand the interpretation or how it applies to our life. This happened in the life of Joseph in the Old Testament. In Genesis 37, Joseph receives two powerful dreams about his destiny. The dreams indicate that his brothers and their parents will all bow down and serve Joseph. Even his father, Jacob, did not understand the meaning of this dream. The result was that Joseph was sold by his brothers and ends up a slave in Egypt. Later, in Genesis 41, God turned Joseph’s mishaps into a huge blessing that helped save the entire world from a famine.
Maybe you have wondered, how did my life end up the way it is? Oftentimes, like Joseph, we end up far from where we started and it may seem that the promises and dreams that God gave us will not come to pass. Just this year, I am seeing dreams and prophetic words in my life beginning to unfold that were given to me over twenty years ago. Had God revealed all the details ahead of time I probably would have tried to make things happen before His timing. God is faithful and we can trust Him as a loving father. Hold on to your dreams and also be open to the element of God surprising you with good things from Heaven.
DOUG ADDISON is the founder of InLight Connection in Santa Maria, California and is the author of the book Prophecy, Dreams, and Evangelism. He travels worldwide helping people transform their lives and discover their purpose. Doug is a stand-up comedian and his training seminars include hearing God, understanding dreams and visions, and experiencing the supernatural. Doug also trains and leads dream teams and prophetic/power evangelism outreaches.
Welcome to the Dreams and Visions Information Site.
This site was created after I receiving a dream about running one and having Doug Addison, Creator and Director of InLight Connection and former national Dream Team Coordinator for John Paul Jackson's Streams Institute for Spiritual Development, interpret that dream (see dream and interpretation below) during one of the monthly Dream Webcasts offered on InLight Connection (which I have taken several). See link below.
My studies have included the following classes offered by Streams Institute for Spiritual Development: Course 101 - The Art Of Hearing God, Course 201 - Understanding Dreams and Visions, and Course 202 - Advanced Workshop in Dream Interpretation.
I have also participated in a number of Friday Dream Chats hosted by a Streams Master Certified Dream Interpreter and have been a part of numerous dream team outreaches with Streams Master Certified Dream Interpreters.
Currently I have achieved the to the level 3 Apprentice at Streams Institute for Spiritual Development (see link below) and am taking mentoring classes with a Streams Master Certified Dream Interpreter.
Included on this website will be links to articles and videos by Doug Addison concerning Dreams and Visions. I hope to add articles by John Paul Jackson if I receive approval of Streams. There will also be include links to training opportunities and dream interpretation websites.
This site is still ever evolving so bear with me as I move forward with this site.
Feel free to join the blog if you would like to leave comments or ask questions. If you would like to join this blog please send me an e-mail at and I will send you an invite to join the blog. Then you will be able to submit comments and questions.
This blog site is found at:
Thank you for viewing the site and may God bless you always.
Bob Holzner
Dancing Spirit Media
The idea of this blog came to me in a dream on 4/16/08.
Dream is about the dreamer and something he is called to do.
Three key points: 1) Offering, 2) Dreams and Visions, 3) Online. However, information site only, no dreams or visions would be interpreted. That means training only. One of the callings this person has is to help train other people, especially using high tech and the internet. This is a big positive dream.
Common themes (actions): Training, Online, Internet.
God is directing you to be part of teaching people about dreams using the internet. And you have been influenced by the teachings of InLight Connections and Streams Institute for Spiritual Development that is myself and John Paul Jackson’s website.
I want to encourage you to do that and one way is to set up a blog and you could re-post some of my articles or someone else’s. First of all I’ll tell you it helps me a lot by getting my message out there in a greater [way – search engines]. You can take articles right off my website and post them on your blog and then you get to answer questions that people put on there. It will draw people to your blog and then you could help [them and] others.
Great dream. I really want to help people use technology.
God is directing you to be a part of teaching people about dreams using the internet. You have been influenced by the teachings of InLight and Streams.
Streams Institute for Spiritual Development Course 201 - Understanding Dreams and Visions
Coming Soon!
Course 202 - Advanced Workshop In Dream Interpretation
Coming Soon!