I totally believe our Creator speaks to us and gives us messages in our dreams. These messages are usually in symbols (symbolism) and need to be unraveled.
This takes training and learning. We need to understand the language of dreams and how they are interwoven with symbolism. This symbolism is what must be studied. But it is listening and being led by the Spirit of Truth that is the key to dream interpretations. Many are gifted in this area but those gifts must be developed and trained.
There are numerous methods of dream interpretation. I ascribe to the ancient Hebraic dream interpretation method. This method has been around since ancient times and is the one way that you can receive the correct interpretation of a dream that comes to you from the Creator. The Jungian or Freudian methods will give you false interpretations that do not line up with the correct Hebraic dream interpretation method.
One way to help figure out if your dream is about others or about yourself is to key on what and where you are in the dream. If you are an active participant in the dream and are in much of the dream more than likely the dream is about you even though there may be others in the dream with you. Perhaps you are helping these other people. This could mean the dream is about you and your ability to help others or that you will move into an area where you will have the opportunity to help others. It may not even be about the other person in your dream at all.
When the dream generally is about another person you will most likely not be active in the dream. You will more than likely watch the scene play out like a movie. Sometimes you will be watching the scene play out from slightly above the action of the dream. When we have dreams like this they are often dreams in which we are being shown the dream so we can ask the Creator for divine help for the person we dreamed about. Usually in this kind of dream we are given the dream to ask for divine guidance, strength and help for the person and not actually tell them the dream.
There is a lot to learn to correctly interpret a dream and give the dreamer the correct interpretation. This takes training as well as being open to the Spirit of Truth’s guidance.
The Institute for Spiritual Development offers classes on dream interpretation. They also offer an apprenticeship program online.
With all great gifts or special abilities comes great responsibility and accountability. It is very important that we learn how to properly use our ability and/or gifts. For any wrong interpretation we give we will be held accountable for it. I encourage you to seek to properly train your gifts and/or abilities so that you can walk into your full destiny and correctly learn how to interpret dreams. It is also important to get dreams interpreted from the right source.
I hope I was able to help you a bit here and steer you in the right direction.
Keep looking up and keep dreaming.
Bob Holzner